Safari and background images
Checked site via iCapture for Safari, and not happy, not happy at all.
It seems that it has the same rendering problem (just like Internet Explorer) regarding .PNG images. Beside that, for some unknown reason, background image is repeating (?). Tried searching G., but found nothing useful, so I’ll have to resize/resample/expand affected images… Will this ever end?
Anyone have a clue?
Updated 29th May 2004.
So, here’s what I did to make it work in Safari 1.2:
- Went crazy counting exact dimensions and absolute positions.
- Resized all links to exact sizes of the images used in top menu.
- Saved all .GIF images as .PNG, so now there is a set of .GIFs for IE, and a set of .PNGs for Mozilla/Opera/Safari
- Checked the result thanks to iCapture. Did already said that’s a great service? Well, never mind… It is a great service.