Due to a sudden goodbye of John Oxton, Andy Arikawa and Dunstan Orchard to the standards blogging community, I felt strong sense of emptiness. It’s always far more difficult for those who stay, than to those who are leaving. There is, however, a constant fluctuation of the new hopes.
Most of the young guns, and I mean young in the manner of relative anonymity in the branch (well at least in the web standards blogosphere), showcase their sites in the CSS galleries around the ‘net, trying to fit-in and therefore provide great content. Once we were all like that (some of us still are). The credibility that blogger gains thru all the good content assures faithful visitors keep the feed on the list for months, even years, without a single update. But sometimes, due to personal and mostly professional development, it’s almost impossible to write a single entry.
It’s all natural and what has been yesterday, doesn’t have to be tomorrow. I myself have been exhausted on some topics in a way of fighting the fight. For me, the web standards ‘vs.’ debates are pretty boring already. We all know what’s right and what’s not. We should move on and start doing what we preached. Standards can help you make better web sites, but they are not secret super-power for producing overall successful web sites. Involvement in standards by itself is not insurance you are making good web sites.
Once a person master new tool, either it’s a hammer, Chinese chop-sticks, CSS or remote scripting, she moves to the next level and she focuses on other things to explore. It’s the same with designing/developing web sites. Move on, learn something new, make a change. Otherwise, you’ll stuck in the middle of nowhere. And that could be fatal.