One Week Off and the World Gone Mad
Okay, so an average man can’t go to a vacation without TV or newspaper, if he don’t want to miss the world goes ‘round. I’m not that kind of person. Actually, I really enjoyed my vacation with the family. I did nothing for a week, just burned my skin in the sun and ran around the beach after my little monster.
The Return of the Dead
After that pretentious subtitle, there’s no a movie review.
Okay, up until now – every rat and his neighbor visited A List Apart. I’m so glad I missed all that mess around design decisions on it’s redesign. These debates are quite exhausting and often useless… Anyway, gg to the team.
What I’d like to see more than a sweet redesign – is the quality content we used to read more often at ALA (and not just there). Personally, I’d like to see a new ideas, edge pushing and such – more conceptual stuff. For me, the XHTML, CSS and DOM techniques became pretty secondary (no, I’m not saying boring). I see those in exact same way like my father, the tailer, sees the new cutting machine.
Oxton is back. That’s a good news. Hilhorst is creative (and conceptual from above paragraph). That’s even better.
Pre-election Promises or What’s Due
It’s code name is TypeTester. You should see it by the end of the week. That would be if you’re a beta tester. You’re not? Become one.
This blog will be reworked. It’s boring and limiting. Watch this space for… oh, crap – what a cliché! If it happens, you’ll know it.