Powermac or Powerbook?
This one is for experienced Mac owners… I’m rethinking my shopping list for this season and considering buying a Mac for home. I’d like to know pros and cons for the following competitors – Powermac 2GHz Dual Core G5 (assume I already have a screen) and Powerbook 15in 1.67GHz G4 Widescreen.
$2000 is the limit at this point, so more expensive models are out of question. If I’m taking, I’m taking one of the above.
I already have both Mac and PC at work and PC at home. All machines are way above average considering performance, so I’m not switching all of my work to Macs, but someday maybe I will.
How often you really needed mobility and how often you really needed the power of dual processors? Link to any useful article would also help.