Trying with another hosting company

Ever since I started with this web thing, I’ve been quite satisfied with my current hosting provider. By the release of some high traffic sites (you guessed it right – the Typetester), I faced the troubles caused by the numbers of visitors and multiple database queries.

I already purchased a new account from other provider, but I wanted to post my expectations for the future reference:

  • Advanced Apache mods, such as mod_expire and mod_security. Possibility to request additional features.
  • GD 2.0.x support (and that it actually works most of the time).
  • Control over the Cron jobs.
  • Possibility to execute external programs with PHP (See backup2mail).
  • Available safe_mode_exec_dir (if the safe mode is enabled).
  • Easily manageable folder settings via .htaccess files (some web control panels are keen to override manually adjusted settings… Arrrgh!).
  • Easily manageable .htpasswd files.
  • Full overview of the bandwidth/disk usage (days, months, year).
  • Easy to setup additional domains.
  • Human controlled, non-automatic server firewall.
  • Regularly updated web based MySQL control panel.
  • Cross-browser compatible Account control panel.

Marko Dugonjić is a designer specialized in user experience design, web typography and web standards. He runs a nanoscale user interface studio Creative Nights and organizes FFWD.PRO, a micro-conference and workshops for web professionals.

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