New Newsvine UI options

Newsvine screenshot

Good designers copy, great designers steal. Every once in a while, it’s great to take a look at what others are doing. Quite often, an interesting idea arise from such a voyeurism.

One of the most invaluable destination for every news site designer is Newsvine, a celebrity web site of the week. Their new interface deals with many tiny little details and features great balance of information blocks and interface controls. If you’re an internet professional, this site is a must see reference.

A bonus detail: charming e-mail copy

I like it when I receive an e-mail with an amusing copy. Here’s just a part of what the Newsvine team have sent me this morning:

You know how when you’re trying to make conversation with someone, you’ll often say empty things like “nice weather we’re having”? With local weather now automatically displayed on your front page, you can now be much more specific with statements like “did you know that according to my favorite site, Newsvine, it’s going to be 78 and sunny in three days?” Furthermore, since we now also display headlines from your local newspaper, you can follow up that with “Did you hear Tom from the fraternity was arrested last night?” It is important to us that you’re as well informed about your city as possible, and that you’re consistently equipped for these precious moments of idle banter.

So register at Newsvine and have fun on your front page!

Marko Dugonjić is a designer specialized in user experience design, web typography and web standards. He runs a nanoscale user interface studio Creative Nights and organizes FFWD.PRO, a micro-conference and workshops for web professionals.

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