Time Capsule wireless printing

You might have a problem printing to your USB printer connected to your Time Capsule, with the error message “Network Host … is busy” as described in the topic 10.5 Printing Error “Network Host Busy Problem”.

If that’s the case, here’s the quick tip.

First, make sure the Time Capsule recognizes the printer. You can check that under the “Manual Setup” in your Airport Utility.

Time Capsule list of printers

Next, open System Preferences, choose “Print & Fax” and hit the plus button on the left (i.e. add printer). At this point you should already have your printer drivers installed on the computer.

The default tab is the most probably IP and that is misguiding. Switch to “Default” and wait a couple of seconds. This however could take a while, just don’t close the window too soon. When the list is updated, select a printer from the list (the “Kind” column should indicate Bonjour).

Add printer

Finally, hit “Add” on the same screen and you’re done.

Marko Dugonjić is a designer specialized in user experience design, web typography and web standards. He runs a nanoscale user interface studio Creative Nights and organizes FFWD.PRO, a micro-conference and workshops for web professionals.

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