Croatian HRT rips-off
This is the embarrassment of the decade for the Croatian web community.
Follow the original thread at It is a Google’s translation from Croatian to English, but you’ll get the picture.
If you care, please let us know.
More voices:
- zytzagoo: HRT vs BBC
- Marketing Servis: i ko brata dva!
- T-portal: HRT ‘posudio’ dizajn od BBC-ja?
- Davor Peić Gavran: Croatian HRT vs, totally rip off
- Index: Iz koda HRT-ove stranice najednom nestalo ime tvrtke koja ju je radila
- Index: HRT-ova nova web stranica besramni plagijat
- Index: Hašim Bahtijari: Pitat ću na Vijeću koliko je novaca utrošeno na izradu novih stranica HRT-a
- Index: Dizajneri složni: HRT je pokrao BBC, i to loše
- Marko Mihelčić: Croatian national television website (HRT) fancy’s BBC website.
- Nivas Blog: How HRT failed in their intention to become Croatian BBC
- Wolfwood’s Crowd: Ripanje i ripersko prigovaranje